Results are our
best references.



The potential high freight and employee traffic volumes deriving from the realization of an important logistics hub dedicated to the Italian haute couture sector along the provincial junction between Trecate and the Novara toll booth required a punctual feasibility evaluation of traffic conditions on the surrounding road network.

To this end, Lift resorted to advanced microsimulation software for the identification of the best infrastructural layout to accommodate those additional flows without affecting the quality of existing traffic, considering also mobility management approaches for traffic mitigation. Such logistics hub is currently in the process of becoming operational.

Porto Nogaro

Porto Nogaro

In the context of the strategic environmental assessment concerning the reconversion of an old industrial site in a glass processing plant, Lift was engaged in the evaluation of potential traffic impacts deriving from a growth of freight vehicles generated by such plant.

To this end, the use of the software SIDRA INTERSECTION enabled to check the compatibility of the proposed intervention with the existing traffic conditions, also in terms of levels of service.



Lift employed its expertise in traffic engineering to perform a traffic impact study in Pretoria, South Africa, to analyse previous traffic conditions and to evaluate the impact of the realization of new residential units and a commercial development in the northern rural part of the city. Based on traffic flows contained in Origin/destination matrices, capacity analyses were performed at each considered intersection using the software SIDRA INTERSECTION both in AM and PM peak hour, with reference to the scenarios before and after the realization of the interventions.



In the context of the development planning of Port of Monfalcone, Lift was appointed to assess the traffic impact generated by a growth of freight volumes in such port.

The increase in the amount of heavy vehicles per hour was estimated using the software SIDRA INTERSECTION, which enabled to perform a level-of-service analysis of traffic conditions at the main intersections between the port exit and the toll booth.

Kampala (UGANDA)

Kampala (UGANDA)

Lift was appointed to carry out a traffic impact assessment to evaluate existing traffic conditions and to estimate additional traffic and parking requirements generated by the realization of the International Specialised Hospital of Uganda, in the vicinity of the city of Kampala.

Functional analyses at both signalized and unsignalized intersections have been performed using the software SIDRA INTERSECTION and referring to both AM and PM peak hours, in order to assess the level of service of the main traffic nodes in the development site.



In the congested road network in Moskow, we developed the signal control plans and coordination over the Schelkovskoye Shosse corridor.

It is one of the main axes entering the city from suburbs, traffic volumes are really high and there are 24 signalized intersections.



Trieste is a middle-sized city in the North East of Italy. There has been an Urban Traffic Control System since 1969.

We developed:

  • traffic lights signal plans for 51 intersections, included coordination plans over the main axes;
  • design of new intersections over the Rive corridor;
  • UTCS renovation.



In this large city in Venezuela, congestion arose especially in central areas.

We developed a traffic study using micro-simulation tools and designed the corresponding traffic light signal plan to reduce congestion in Casco Central. 43 intersections were involved.

San Donà di Piave - Italy

San Donà di Piave

San Donà di Piave is a middle sized city in the north east of Italy with around 45000 inhabitants.

Many traffic issues are related to the presence of a bridge over Piave river that is placed in the city centre.

Moreover a new intermodal (rail-bus) centre is under development which will modify traffic behaviour in the road network. Lift performed the analysis and simulation of road network and defined possible solutions both referred to new road use and transit network.

VISUM and SIDRA software were used.

Rome - Italy


Rome is the capital of Italy and is characterized by huge traffic especially on the main roads coming from outside into the city centre.

We developed the signal plan over one of the most important corridors (Via Cristoforo Colombo) with 15 intersections; this number rose up to 35 including surrounding areas.

Managing mobility, managing innovation.
Reliable and specialised solutions to innovate transport planning, traffic flow management and to improve the system performances.
We are Lift
P. IVA 01133270320
+39 334 679 8547