We put the most innovative tools
at the service of our minds.

Lift. Keeping pace with a fast-changing world
by collaborating with software houses.

In Lift, innovation is a key feature for our projects.
We develop our projects adopting the most advanced software, which we select and use according to their specific features. Working with dedicated software allows us to provide our clients with functional customized solutions.

In the light of our long experience, we are able to exploit at best the potentials of employed software, transforming knowledge into very innovative projects in different sectors of transport engineering.

Thanks to a direct contact with software houses, we succeed in optimizing the performances of programs and in adapting them to every examined case study, offering smart and advanced solutions.

Therefore, our in-depth knowledge of software and technical expertise support us in delivering even complex projects.

Training Service

Training sessions on specific tools for the initiation of specialized technical staff.

> Contacts

Customer care

Remote post-retail assistance service to support customers.

> Contacts

Authorised reseller

Legal warranty by software producers to ensure transparency and reliability.

> Contacts

Cutting-edge software:
discover our tools.

In Lift, innovation is a key feature for our projects.
Managing mobility, managing innovation.
Reliable and specialised solutions to innovate transport planning, traffic flow management and to improve the system performances.
We are Lift
P. IVA 01133270320
+39 334 679 8547