Mastermind of Managing Mobility.


Lift. Reliable and specialised solutions
to innovate transport planning, traffic flow management
and to improve the system performances.

Through its 5 Divisions, Lift offers a wide range of consulting services in different fields of transportation engineering. Railway operations have a special position in our portfolio from long-term infrastructure planning to the definition of traffic management criteria and the estimation of punctuality.

Lift offers an unparalleled experience in the micro-simulation of complex networks, with over 50 projects concerning also some of the most complex stations and nodes in Europe. We deliver Transportation Planning solutions from international freight Corridors to urban mobility, including microscopic traffic planning with a special interest in the coordination of traffic lights.

Lift gained a large experience in traffic lights planning through a high number of applications in Italy, Europe and South America.

As regards economic assessments, we provide our experience in cost-benefit and multi-criteria analysis. In this context, Lift has an in-depth knowledge based on wide scientific and professional activities. Pedestrian flow detection, analysis and simulation is a new operational field for Lift.

New optimization methods have been successfully applied in some test cases with promising results in term of dimensioning pedestrian facilities according to certain level of service requirements.

To improve the quality and efficiency of our services, we constantly refine and improve specific software tools and technological solutions that are currently used by multiple operators.



Lift offers unparalleled experience in the micro simulation of complex networks, with over 50 projects concerning also some of the most complex stations, nodes and corridors in Europe and other continents.


Process Optimization

Thanks to the partnership with ESTECO S.p.A., Lift has introduced optimization approaches within its business portfolio by integrating simulation models for the representation of transport phenomena with an external optimization tool based on genetic algorithms.


People Flows

The study of pedestrian dynamics and of the design of walking spaces plays a significant role. Lift offers a new service of simulating pedestrian flows and optimizing pedestrian facilities.



Lift offers a wide range of services, from large scale and network-wide planning to the definition of very detailed solutions for signalized or un-signalized intersections.



Lift offers a large experience in Cost-Benefit Analysis and Multicriteria Analysis. In this field, the connection with academic activities ensures the application of the most recent tools and solutions.


To improve the quality and efficiency of our services, we constantly refine and improve specific software tools and technological solutions that are currently used by multiple operators.

Managing mobility, managing innovation.
Reliable and specialised solutions to innovate transport planning, traffic flow management and to improve the system performances.
We are Lift
P. IVA 01133270320
+39 334 679 8547